Friday, October 28, 2016

Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future
      John Knox Village is pleased to announce that it has been working with the City of Lee’s Summit on a Memorandum of Understanding that will enable the City to build a new state-of-the-art fire station on the undeveloped land owned by the Village on the west side of Pryor Road.
      The agreement is contingent on the passage of a no-tax increase general obligation bond initiative, which Lee’s Summit voters will consider as part of the Nov. 8 election. If it passes, the bond initiative will fund four public safety projects, which includes replacing the current Fire Station No. 3 located at 3rd Street and Pryor Road with a new station designed to meet both current and future needs and demands for services. The proposed Memorandum of Understanding outlines the various terms and obligations of the City and John Knox Village in the event the bond initiative passes. In exchange for the 2.28-acre plot, city staff will submit a rezoning request that would allow future commercial development along the Pryor Road corridor if approved by the Lee’s Summit City Council. In addition to the zoning consideration, the City would construct a public road and install sewer and water lines to the new fire station. The road, water and sewer lines would be beneficial to John Knox Village when it is decided to develop the remainder of the property. The professional costs, such as the use of engineers and consultants to prepare the property for the City and John Knox Village’s future use, would be covered by the City. The agreement is contingent on the passage of the bond initiative. If it passes, platting of the site is expected to begin in spring 2017 with the construction of infrastructure anticipated to begin that same year. Building construction is expected to begin in 2018.
      The agreement between the City of Lee’s Summit and the Village creates a win-win scenario for every member of the Lee’s Summit community, such as maintaining response times for emergencies and making improvements to Pryor Road. In addition, it will help the Village begin developing its unused land on the far west side of the campus. Because the proposed fire station will not be located directly off Pryor Road, the Village will be able to use the valuable frontage property for a commercial development in the future.
      “Lee’s Summit benefits because the proposed location is centrally located within the station’s service area with easy access to major roads and highways,” said Dan Rexroth, CEO and president of John Knox Village. “What’s more, through the agreement, the city will help us realize our long-term goals outlined in our strategic plan sooner rather than later.”

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Celebrating Halloween at Lakeside Grille! Enjoy a Few Photos!

Residents and associates at Lakeside Grille had fun and got in the trick-or-treat spirit and celebrated Halloween with their annual appetizer lunch on Thursday.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Renovation Work Being Completed in A Building Oct.27-28

Renovation Work Being Completed:
The A Building corridor will be closed Thursday, Oct. 27 and Friday, Oct. 28. The carpet in the areas in front of the elevator, the restrooms as well as in the new Resident Life office in the A Building corridor is being replaced. Please follow the arrows indicating alternate routes. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause. 

Oct. 26 Blood Drive at JKV CANCELED

The Community Blood Center has canceled the event scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 26., due to unforeseen circumstances.
Please check their website at or call 1-877-468-6844 to learn about other opportunities nearby.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

—Your Friends at Village Hospice

Friday, October 14, 2016

Free Flu Shots for Village Residents in October

FREE Flu Shots for Village Residents

1 to 3 p.m.

-          Monday, Oct. 10 , Places Manhattan Room

-          Friday, Oct. 14, Courtyard Community Center - Side A

-          Thursday, Oct. 20, CCMPA

For John Knox Village residents ONLY. No appointment necessary. Please bring your Village dining card or your driver’s license. For more information, call the Resident Health Center at 347-2809.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

THE MEADOWS TODAY! ~ CLICK HERE to see LIVE daily photos from our construction site.

See how much has changed at The Meadows construction site since 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13, 2016

Click the "SHOW ME" button, above, every day to watch the progress at The Meadows!

A camera is now mounted on the roof of Manor I so we can watch the progress of The Meadows' construction. Until now, it's mostly been piles of dirt being moved from one spot to another and LOTS of jackhammering of rocks. But keep your eyes peeled - things are about to get interesting! Many thanks to our construction partner, Paric Corporation for making this happen

Hope for the Holidays - Grief Support Event Nov. 5

Hope for the Holidays
2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 5
Places Manhattan Room

When grieving over the loss of a loved one, the holidays can be a difficult time. Join Village Hospice as we unwrap gifts to ourselves that can give hope for transforming the holiday season. We'll focus on ways we can reinvest in love, work and play, and reconnect with others. We hope you'll take home valuable skills that will help you each day as the holidays approach.

Enjoy refreshments with us as we gather to "stuff stockings" and make the holidays a time for reflection and peace.

Family and friends are welcome!

Please RSVP to Karen Hubbard, LMSW, Village Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, at 816-347-2585 or

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Medication Take-Back Event to be held Oct. 22

Medication Take-Back Event

10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22, Places Manhattan Room  

Do you have expired or no-longer-needed medication? Here is your chance to clean out your medicine cabinet and dispose of unwanted over-the-counter and prescription items safely and confidentially at the Medication Take-Back event.
This event is open to all friends and loved ones. The Medication Take-Back event is held in partnership with the Lee’s Summit Police Department along with Lee’s Summit Cares and the National Drug Enforcement Agency, who are overseeing the event. There is a friendly competition with the other participating Lee’s Summit locations, so let’s make sure we do our part!



EFFECTIVE Wednesday Oct. 12: All cars must be removed from the parking lot in front of Manor I in the Country Club Apartments complex.
This temporary closure is for the next phase of The Meadows’ north parking lot construction.
The lot will remain closed until the new lot across the street from Manor I opens next month.

PLEASE NOTE: The lot between Lakeshore Manor and Villa I is reserved for Country Club residents only.
ADDITIONAL RESIDENT PARKING: Overflow parking for residents is available at 628 A Pryor Cir.
A Dial-a-Ride phone is available there.
GUEST PARKING: Village residents coming to the Country Club Complex are encouraged to take the Dial-A-Ride bus and leave their cars at home. Guest parking for Village residents and non-resident guests is available in the lot at the west end of Lakeshore Manor, near Pryor Rd.
ASSOCIATE PARKING: Associates should only park on Shady Circle. (See map below.)

DIAL-A-RIDE and the Grocery Bus will pick up and drop off at the first floor of Villa I, at the southwest door, facing the lower lot.

Questions or concerns? Please contact Jim Freed, director of operations at or (816) 347-2139, or Milissa Seid, area manager, at or (816) 347-2371.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Monday, October 10, 2016

JKV Bond Issue Informational Meeting

 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.* OR from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 at the Places Manhattan Room.

As work on The Meadows’ construction site continues to evolve, so does John Knox Village’s efforts to issue tax-exempt municipal bonds as part of the project’s financing plan.

Because the bonds will be available for purchase by members of the Village community, Ziegler, the Village’s investment banker, is holding informational meetings for Village associates and residents from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.* OR from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17 at the Places Manhattan Room. Representatives will explain more about the bond issue process, how it works and how to purchase the series 2016A fix-rate bonds. In addition, Zeigler staff will be on hand to meet with people one-on-one after the meeting to answer more in-depth questions. While the bond issue is being offered to residents and staff, it is not an endorsement or recommendation for participation. These bonds are being offered to the public, and we are having a meeting here for those interested as a courtesy. 

* Please note: A meeting notice also is included in the Village Voice Mid-Month, which will be distributed on Friday, Oct. 14. The article includes only one meeting time because at press time, only one meeting was planned.