Friday, October 9, 2015

October Resident Council General Meeting minutes

Resident Council General Meeting Minutes

The Oct. 5, 2015 meeting of the JKV Resident Council was opened by President Jim Ham at 2 p.m. in the Courtyard Community Center. Jim welcomed the full house of residents attending. Five first time attendees were introduced: JoAnne Holman has lived on Killarney for three months; Bill Owsley and Dolores Fetters live in Villager East, and have been with us for just three weeks; and Pete and Doris Stevenson live on Rose Court. A hearty JKV welcome to all.

President Dan Rexroth spoke about the greater community of Lee’s Summit in which John Knox Village is located. He recently attended an event at which the mayor of Lee’s Summit gave his “State of the City” address. The mayor pointed out that Lee’s Summit is one of the two fastest growing cities in the metro area; the population has doubled since 1990. It is one of the best educated cities with 40 percent of the population holding Bachelor's degrees and it is one of the safest cities in the area.

Gail Benne, President of the JKV Foundation, reminded us about the free financial planning service that the Foundation provides for all JKV residents. Bob Crew, financial planner and advisor, is available to provide this free confidential service. Sign up at the Foundation office. Gail also reminded us that the annual nut sale is available at the Foundation office until Wednesday and the nuts will be available at the Craft Show in the Pavilion Oct. 9-10. Homemade baked goods are requested from residents for the Foundation Bake Sale, also at the Craft Show. Proceeds go to the Resident Financial Assistance Fund.


Finance Committee: Chair Gerry Wachsmann gave the report. Vice President Finance Kim Klockenga presented the August Financial Report. The community reflects a YTD loss of $3.6 million, which is $2.1 million unfavorable to budget. There were 19 deposits in August, which is one over budget. Eight of the deposits were Entry Fee. There were eight move-ins, four under budget. Four of the move-ins are Entry Fee. Occupancy for Independent Living is 747; for Assisted Living is 173; and for the VCC it is 283. Total occupancy is 1,203. The guest speaker was Jim Freed, the new operations manager, and John Spears, manager of facilities. John gave an overview of the many challenges that are dealt with in operation of the Village. Jim is very enthusiastic to meet the many challenges of his new position. The next meeting will be Oct. 28.

Health Services Committee: The speaker for the September meeting was Rodney McBride, vice present of community health services, who presented the results of the June 22-26, 2015 Village Care Center’s state survey. Rodney informed us that these surveys are unannounced, but occur every 12-18 months. The reviewers rate findings based on a national scope and severity used by all states when surveying nursing homes receiving Medicaid and Medicare. Deficiencies are assigned on an A-L scale, with A being least serious and frequent and L most series and frequent. The VCC had seven deficiencies at level D (“no actual harm or immediate jeopardy” - isolated incidents) and four at level E (defined as “no actual harm or immediate jeopardy “–pattern of occurrence), four Life Safety Code violations, three at level E (“no actual harm or immediate jeopardy” – pattern of occurrence) and one at F (“no actual harm or immediate jeopardy” – widespread occurrence.) A plan of correction was submitted to the state post visit and the VCC has since been resurveyed (Aug. 12, 2015) and was found in full compliance. The Respite Program continues to serve two to three residents. A suggestion was made that a reminder of the service and availability of the program be placed in the next Village Voice along with contact information. The design of the Independent Living resident's emergency contact information and placement of same is being studied and updated. The next meeting will be Oct. 14.

Sales, Marketing and Communications Committee: Chair Margie Stowell reported on the September meeting. Sales Manager Tracey Wenson was the speaker. Tracey spoke about the various contracts the Village offers to today's prospective new residents. There are many variables to be considered in finalizing contracts. Very simply: since 1983, metallic names (Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze) were given to the contracts—each having different advantages. In 2005, Plus Plans were introduced; in 2006, Lease Agreements were used and in 2009, Life Care Advantage was added. Since 2014, Legacy Agreements and Legacy Leases have been in effect. The Legacy Agreement is much simpler and easier to understand. An entry fee is required and the plan includes discounts and refundability possibilities. Legacy entry fees vary considerably depending on the situation of each client. An excellent discussion followed. Tracey stressed the importance for each one of us to read and review our own individual contract, and if possible, to include loved ones in this review. Make an appointment with your Area Manager or a member of the Marketing staff for this review. Tracey reviewed the sales statistics report for August. Details of this report remain very positive. The next meeting will be Oct. 15, 2015. “The Contract is Signed, Now What” will be the theme. Deann Hanson, move-in coordinator, will be the speaker.

Nominating Committee: Chair June Dewsberry reported on the September and October meetings. Assignments for each member were reviewed, and the format for calls was distributed. Health Services and Nominating are the two committees which are most in need of additional members. All Nominating Committee members should work on this. The new year would be a good time for making calls on committee members who have completed one two-year term or two two-year terms. We dispensed with waiting lists. The schedule for soliciting Board membership was distributed. The Nominating Chair will present this to the Executive Committee as required at their November meeting. There will be one Board vacancy in April/May. Carol Evans will complete her first term, but may re-submit for a second three-year term. Other residents may also submit resumes. The next meeting will be Nov. 5, 2015.

Resident Services Committee: Chair Martha Wood reported on the September meeting. The speaker was Jim Ham, president of Resident Council, who gave an interesting three part talk. The first part was a reading of a history of John Knox Village written by Darleen Forrest entitled “The City That Prayer Built.” He then expanded on Landscape Manager Bob Mitchell’s plans for the Village and that he is holding weekly horticultural classes for all of his employees. Jim then gave a timeline for preparation and demolition leading to construction of The Meadows project.


Tami Hoversten, VCC Assistant Administrator/Director of Nursing shared the many new programs recently put in place to improve hiring and retaining of staff. The VCC has about 300 residents who need care 24/7. There is a universal nursing shortage, so hiring and retaining staff is difficult. So far, action has been taken in raising the pay for CNA's. Also, an Onboarding Coordinator position has been filled. This Coordinator makes sure new associates are greeted and supported in every way. Mentors, breaks, lunch, help with problems – all have helped in retention of staff. Also, in conjunction with Metropolitan Community College, classes have been started for CNA students. The students are in class for four hours and then work on the floors for four hours applying what they have learned. It requires a one-year commitment to work for JKV on the part of the students. Tuition is free if this commitment is honored. The first group has completed their classes, and is now working at the VCC. A second group has begun. Subsequently, the openings for CNA's at the VCC have been reduced to eight and retention is at 91 percent. The next move will be to work at securing Charge Nurses – LPN's and RN's. Job fairs are held as active recruitment for the night shift proceeds. Agency staff at much higher cost has to be used to fill out the night shift in the meantime. Also, a leadership program in cooperation with Saint Luke's Hospitals is being added. It is eight months in length and concentrates on communication. Volunteers are needed – speak to Tami at the VCC.

Jim reminded us of the importance of attending one of the Town Hall meetings this Thursday, Oct. 8. One Town Hall is held that day in the Courtyard Community Center at 10 a.m. One is held at 2 p.m. in the CCMPA, and another at 2 p.m. in Places Manhattan Room. You will be provided with information concerning our new cable, internet and phone provider -CCI.

The next General Meeting will be on Monday, Nov. 2. The speaker will be Bob Mitchell, manager of landscaping. JKV Board Resident Member Jerry McElhaney will also have some comments.

Respectfully submitted,

June Dewsberry, Secretary, Resident Council

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